Northern Nigerian Breaking News

Fulani village heads call for unity, peaceful coexistence in Kogi

Heads of Fulani villages in Kogi have called for unity and peaceful coexistence among residents of the state.

Malam Dawda Abdullahi, Chairman, Kogi Council of Fulani Ardo (Village heads), made the call shortly after the election of the State Executive Council of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN), on Sunday in Lokoja.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the election saw the emergence of Malam Usman Babangida as State Chairman of the body.

Abdullahi explained that the call became imperative in view of the devastating effects of disunity and hostility to one another.

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“Fulani people desire peace which is why we admonish our members to continue to live in peace with all other residents of the state.

“This is necessary because no meaningful development can take place without unity and peace.

“I am urging all Fulani people to shun acts that are inimical to peace. No one should take the law into his hands,” he said.

He said that with the nomination and endorsement of Babangida as MACBAN chairman, “the state executive council under the leadership of Mallam Yusuf Damina stands dissolved as its tenure has expired”.

According to him, the leaders, after much deliberations, agreed to adopt a consensus candidate for the position of state Chairman of MACBAN, hence the adoption of Babangida.

He said the adoption was to ensure peace among the rank and file of the Fulani community in Kogi, and described Babangida as youthful, vibrant, educated, well experienced and a cool headed person.

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While congratulating Gov. Usman Ododo on his 100 days in office, Abdullahi appealed to him to treat Fulani people in the state fairly, like any other tribe.

Speaking to newsmen after his endorsement, Babangida thanked the Fulani leaders for finding him worthy to lead them, and pledged to serve with all his God-given wisdom and knowledge.

“I have promised to serve the Fulani people faithfully. I hope to keep that promise,” he said. 


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