Northern Nigerian Breaking News

Bandits kill varsity Deputy VC

Bandits have killed the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research, Innovation, and Development at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS), Professor Yusuf Saidu.

The university disclosed this tragic incident in a statement on Monday.

Professor Saidu was attacked and killed while travelling from Sokoto State to Kaduna State.

The university described his passing as a significant loss, noting his integrity, religious devotion, dedication, and courage.

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“The death has occurred of Prof. Yusuf Saidu, the current Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research, Innovation, and Development at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto,” the university’s statement read. “He was attacked and killed by bandits on his way to Kaduna from Sokoto State. A man of integrity, religion, dedication, and courage.”

The university community has been thrown in deep mourning of the loss of Professor Saidu. In their statement, they prayed for the repose of his soul and expressed their condolences to his family and colleagues.

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“May Allah accept his soul and forgive his sins. This is a painful loss to all members of the University community and the academia at large,” the statement added.

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