Northern Nigerian Breaking News

EId-el-Kabir: Amidst rising population, Buhari calls for increased food production

Former President Muhammadu Buhari has stressed the importance of self-reliance in food production.

Speaking after attending Eid prayers with the Emir of Daura, Katsina State, Faruk Umar Faruk, Buhari lauded the efforts of Nigerians who have turned to farming to mitigate rising food prices and ensure national food security.

This was contained in a statement by his media aide, Garba Shehu.

In the statement, he appealed to citizens to continue striving for self-reliance by growing and consuming locally produced food.

He said, “I am wishing everyone a Happy Sallah. May this special festival bring joy, prosperity, and wonderful health to everyone. This is not the time to relent when we see prices going up. Let us buy what is produced in the country.”

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Read Also:Senator Barau observes eid prayers in Kabo

The former president highlighted the foundational work of previous administrations in creating a prosperous and stable country, urging the youth to engage actively in nation-building and to draw inspiration from the country’s founding fathers and regional leaders.

Reflecting on the large gatherings at Eid celebrations, Buhari raised concern about unchecked population growth, warning that it poses significant future challenges.

“There is a need for greater discussion and awareness about this problem, as well as a need to invest more in education and health,” he stated.

He, however, encouraged Nigerians to support each other during these times, saying, “Considering the situation in the country, and in the spirit of the Sallah, let us help one another and be our brother’s keepers. I wish everyone a happy Sallah.”

Addressing members of the National Youth Service Corps, who visited him as part of their Sallah tradition, he praised the NYSC as a vital unifying force in Nigeria.

He lauded the scheme as one of General Yakubu Gowon’s greatest achievements and called on future administrations to continue strengthening it.

To mark the occasion, Buhari gifted a cow, 10 bags of rice and cash to the NYSC members.


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