Northern Nigerian Breaking News

Emirship tussle: Kano deputy governor retracts allegation against Nuhu Ribadu

The deputy governor of Kano, Aminu Gwarzo, has retracted his allegations against Nuhu Ribadu, the national security adviser over the emirship tussle in the state.

Gwarzo had alleged that Ribadu facilitated the return of Aminu Bayero, the dethroned Emir of Kano, by providing him with two private jets.

After the reinstatement of Muhammadu Sanusi II, Bayero returned to the emirate on Saturday and moved into a palace in Nassarawa LGA of the state.

“The national security adviser gave two jets to bring the dethroned Emir to Kano and to bring him to the palace. We have not understood their intention,” Gwarzo had said.

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But in a letter denying the allegation through his lawyers, Aliyu & Musa Chambers, Ribadu demanded an apology from the deputy governor.

“Our client and his office take your allegations seriously and by this letter, our client is demanding that you provide irrefutable evidence to substantiate your claims,” the letter reads.

“If you have no proof, our client demands you to within 24 hours:

“i. retract the libellous allegation in a similar manner you made it as well as give it wide media circulation; and…

“ii. issue a public apology in five national dailies with wide national coverage and on popular online platforms. Note that if you fail to do so, our client will be compelled to seek redress in a court of law.”

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On Monday, Gwarzo retracted his allegation and apologized. 

“The office of the national security adviser has refuted the allegations and distanced themselves from what we have alleged,” Gwarzo said.

“I have seen it, he has done it through three mediums, and today, I have seen the one about going to court.

“We have to acknowledge that we have been misled into believing that the NSA was behind the happenings along this line.”

Gwarzo said following investigations, the Kano government has realised that Ribadu was not involved in the airlifting of Bayero to Kano.

“At least we have been able to inform him that this is what is happening. We apologise to the national security adviser, his person and office for any embarrassment and inconveniences this might have caused him.

“We are human and can err at any time. On my behalf and the governor of Kano state, I want to assure the NSA of our continued support and cooperation in discharging his duty as the NSA.

“We were really worried and shocked when we found out that he was not behind the plan to forcefully impose a dethroned Emir on Kano. So we apologise.”

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