Northern Nigerian Breaking News

Engausa Technology Hub graduates 326 trainees

A bi-lingua technology institute, Engausa Global Technology Hub has graduated 326 trainees for the 2nd quarter of the year 2024.

The graduation-themed “Unlocking Potentials: Mentoring for Success in Skills Acquisition and Career Development was held over the weekend in Kano.

SolaceBase reports that Engausa Global Technology Hub is a citadel of digital innovations that seek to change digital narratives in Nigeria through STEM and skill-based teaching processes of the new emerging technologies

Speaking at the event, Founder of the Institute, Engr. Mustapha Habu Ringim urged the graduates to be good ambassadors of the institute and judiciously utilize the knowledge acquired.

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He emphasized the importance of determination, enthusiasm, and resilience in their chosen careers.

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Engr. Ringim noted that the aim of establishing the institute which is focused on making the learning of Information and Communication Technology with the use of the Hausa language to make it easier and more friendly in learning is achieving its set target with the number of graduates from the institute who are excelling in the various environments they found themselves.

One of the ceremony’s highlights was the testimonial speeches from successful alumni of ENGAUSA HUB.

These alumni, many of whom are now employers in their respective communities, shared their inspiring journeys.

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Among them were university lecturers, directors in public organizations, pensioners, individuals living with disabilities, and even teenage kids.

Their stories served as powerful reminders of the transformative impact of the skills acquired at ENGAUSA HUB.

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Also, the ceremony also featured heartfelt testimonials from the parents of ENGAUSA CATCH THEM YOUNG participants.

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These parents shared their positive experiences and the significant impact of the digital skills acquired by their children during holiday periods.

A particularly moving account was given by Engr. Rabiu, a professional engineer, who spoke about how his son Muhammad’s curiosity and creativity were sparked by his training at ENGAUSA HUB. Muhammad’s newfound interest in technology led him to suggest innovative solutions at his father’s construction site and convinced his father to purchase an Arduino kit for further practice.

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