Northern Nigerian Breaking News

Gov Yusuf purchases N2.78bn exotic jeeps for Kano lawmakers

Kano State Governor, Abba Kabir Yusuf has purchased about 41 exotic Toyota jeeps for the state assembly members at the cost of N68m each.

SolaceBase gathered that half of the vehicles are yet to be delivered by the contractor handling the supply of the vehicles.

Also, those that have been supplied are kept in the houses of some of the lawmakers that have taken possession of theirs’’.

Kano has 40 members of the state assembly.

A ranking lawmaker who spoke to SolaceBase on condition of anonymity expressed surprise that this newspaper is talking about the issue as it is a normal thing for the government to buy new cars for lawmakers.

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‘’Why are you making a mountain out of a molehill on the purchase of new vehicles for lawmakers? Previous administrations in the state did the same thing, ‘’the lawmaker said.

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When reminded that the situation is not the same considering the economic challenges facing the country presently, the lawmaker reacted saying do you realise that the vehicle will facilitate our oversight functions and would be use for other legislative works.

Credible sources told SolaceBase that Gov. Abba Kabir Yusuf was initially not disposed to purchasing the vehicles for the lawmakers.

However, principal officers of the assembly had to visit and allegedly pleaded with the governor to see reasons why they needed new cars.

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Speaking to SolaceBase on the development, Chief of Staff to the governor, Alhaji Shehu Wada Sagagi said it is the right of the lawmakers for the government to provide them vehicles.

‘’The governor having considered the economic situation directed that the contractor be made to understand that we need to spread the payment over a period of time which the contractor accepted to also,’’ Sagagi said.

He emphasised that the governor’s action is based on respect for the rights and obligations of all tiers of government.

He added that the Governor remains committed to the well-being of every Arm of Government and the people of the State in general.

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