Northern Nigerian Breaking News

Kano govt spends ‘N112 monthly’ on each resident’s healthcare needs in three years

By Aminu Abubakar

The Kano state government spent an average of N1,507 for each resident from its health ministry appropriation in 2023, a SolaceBase budget performance document reviewed has shown.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, Kano has a population of 14 million persons.

In 2023, the total budget for the health ministry stood at N21.1 billion.

This means that each of the 14 million persons got a health expenditure of N1507 for the whole year.

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On a monthly basis, the health expenditure per resident stood at N125 only.

In 2022, the sum of N17.7 billion was spent for the health ministry, this means that the health budget per capita stood at N1264.

The monthly health expenditure stood at N105 for each populace.

Read Also: SolaceBase Data: Amid health challenges, Kano suffers from poor health budget execution

In 2021, the health budget stood at N18.2 billion. This means that the health budget per capita was N1300.

The monthly health expenditure stood at N108 per resident.

On average, the state spent N1357 yearly on each Kano state resident between 2021 and 2023.

Also it spent N112 per citizen for healthcare monthly on the average between 2021 and 2023.

Can N112 Monthly Fix Each Kano Citizen Healthcare Needs?

The multidimensional poverty index shows that in Kano 51% of households are deprived of sanitary facilities, 31% are deprived of access to clean drinking water.

Time to healthcare is only 37.9% in the state, and water reliability is 15.5%.

Read Also: SolaceBase Data: How well are Kaduna, Katsina backing up ‘big’ budget for health sector with actual money?

Already poor infrastructure, and funding have been identified as major problems of primary healthcare centres in Kano state.

A report noted that some primary healthcare centres are so bad that women are unable to give birth there.


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