Northern Nigerian Breaking News

NMA cautions Kano govt over what it described as systemic weaknesses in its healthcare

The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) has identified critical systemic weaknesses within the healthcare system of Kano State.

In a statement signed by Kano NMA Chairman, Dr Abdullahi Suleiman and Secretary, Dr. Abdulrahman Ali on Friday said this includes poor remuneration and welfare of health workers, as well as inadequate equipment and consumables in hospitals.

It said these challenges not only demotivate healthcare professionals but also compromise the quality of care provided to the people of Kano State.

SolaceBase reports that the NMA in the statement was reacting to the suspension of one of its members, as reported in a recent press release by the state government which raised significant concerns regarding due process and confidentiality in staff disciplinary actions.

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The statement reads,’’ The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) Kano expresses deep concern over recent suspensions within the healthcare system overseen by the Health Management Board (HMB). While acknowledging the authority of the HMB in addressing staff conduct issues, the NMA Kano emphasizes the importance of adhering to proper administrative procedures to safeguard the dignity and rights of healthcare workers.

‘’The suspension of one of our members, as reported in a recent press release, has raised significant concerns regarding due process and confidentiality in staff disciplinary actions. The NMA Kano advocates for a more discreet approach that upholds due process and protects the well-being of healthcare workers, especially in light of increasing incidents of violence targeting them.

‘’Earlier this year, a large group of hoodlums armed with dangerous weapons assaulted a medical officer who was on duty in the maternity unit of MMSH. Additionally, in March, another doctor was physically attacked in the emergency paediatric unit of the same hospital. Presently, the leadership of NMA is in court with a lecturer who assaulted one of our members while he was attending to his wife in the emergency unit of AKTH. These incidents, among others, have significantly impacted the morale and sense of security of our members, particularly in the state. This underscores the urgent need for tangible measures to ensure the safety and security of healthcare workers while on duty. The NMA Kano calls on the HMB to prioritize the well-being of healthcare workers and take immediate action to address these pressing concerns.’’

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While we call on the state government to expedite the implementation of upgraded salaries and allowances as a positive step towards recognizing and motivating healthcare workers, the NMA Kano emphasizes the need for comprehensive reform within the healthcare system. This includes collaborative efforts between the SMOH, HMB, NMA, and other stakeholders to address the broader challenges facing healthcare delivery in Kano State.

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In conclusion, the NMA Kano urges the HMB to heed this cautionary message and work towards effecting meaningful change within the healthcare system of Kano State. The health and safety of healthcare workers, as well as the well-being of the people they serve, depend on it.

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