Northern Nigerian Breaking News

We’ll retrieve forests illegally converted to farmlands –KTSG

The Katsina State Government has vowed to retrieve all forests that have been illegally converted to farmlands across the 34 local government areas of the state.

This is contained in a statement issued by the Director of Press, Office of the Secretary to the State Government, Mr Abdullahi Aliyu-Yar’adua, on Friday in Katsina.

He said that the measure followed the approval of the report of the investigative committee that identified some strategic forests converted to farmlands in the state.

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Aliyu-Yar’adua said: “That all those who acquired farmlands from such forests are hereby advised to vacate them with immediate effect, as the committee will commence the enforcement of the directive.

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“The  public is reminded that only the Governor reserves the power or privilege to approve the allocation of any government forest or piece of land in urban areas within the state.

“People are warned to take note of this information so as to avoid the wrath of the law.” (NAN)


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