Northern Nigerian Breaking News

2024 Hajj: Nigerian pilgrim delivers baby boy in Makkah

A 30-year-old Nigerian pilgrim gave birth to a baby boy named Mohammed at the Maternity and Children’s Hospital in Makkah, which is under the Makkah Health Cluster.

SolaceBase gathered on Monday, that this marks the first birth of a pilgrim during the 2024 Hajj exercise.

The Makkah Health Cluster reported that the pilgrim, who was in her 31st week of pregnancy, was admitted to the hospital’s emergency department after experiencing labor pains.

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Emergency doctors immediately attended to her and transferred her to the maternity ward, where she had a natural delivery. Both the mother and baby are in good health, though the newborn, being premature, is receiving special care.

elsamad new

The Nigerian pilgrim expressed her profound gratitude and appreciation to the medical staff for their exceptional care and support for her and her baby.

Saudi Gazette

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