Northern Nigerian Breaking News

Kano residents urged to transform waste into wealth to combat climate change challenges

The Nigeria Climate Change Response Programme (NCCRP) has called on Kano residents to adopt the waste-to-wealth initiative as a strategic measure to address the pressing issues of climate change.

Dr. Taiwo Babatunde Ahmed, Senior Key Expert on Solid Waste Management, NCCRP stated this on Monday at Tarauni market during a sensitization program in Kano state.

Dr. Babatunde said people in Kano mostly burn their waste or throw waste indiscriminately.

He said this is not a professional way or sustainable way, for an environmentally friendly manner of treating waste.

“I came to Kano purposefully because we are carrying out awareness and statistician campaign on waste management.”

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“So, it has to be for 10 days. I’ve been here for roughly 7 days. We’ve conducted serious and critical meetings at markets and motor parks because we are targeting people at the grassroots on how to manage their waste in line with global-based practices.”

“The purpose of this program is to carry out awareness campaigns against the improper management of waste in Kano State. We are demonstrating this by street cleaning, awareness rallies, lots of sensitization programs, and the distribution of educative materials, among others.”

“The sensitization is about getting the residents informed about how to manage their waste in line with the global best practices of five Rs: reduction, recycling, recovery, reuse, and repairs.”

Read Also:ACReSAL to introduce technology for preventing solid waste pollution in Kano State

“In this way, we won’t have remnant waste giving a foul odour in our environment, leading to an outbreak of diseases, an unpleasant sight, and, more than anything else, all of these will help curb emissions and toxic gases from improper waste management causing climate change.”

“The Waste Minimisation Campaign under Nigeria’s Climate Change Response Programme (NCCRP) aims to improve waste management practices in Kano and Ogun States by addressing issues like inadequate infrastructure, lack of awareness, and weak regulations. Funded by the European Union and implemented by Conseil Santé Consortium, the campaign focuses on creating awareness, encouraging community involvement, and promoting sustainable waste practices. Targeting households, businesses, and various community groups, the campaign disseminates key messages about personal responsibility for waste, the value of recycling, and the reduction of waste production to mitigate environmental and health risks and support climate protection goals.”

Read Also:Great Green Wall strengthens synergy with N/West stakeholders on climate change 

SolaceBase reports that the program is supported by the European Union

Also speaking at the event, Kano State Commissioner for Environment,  Alhaji Nasiru Sule Garo, represented by the director solid waste management, Sha’aya ‘u A Jibiril,  said the state government is proud of the initiative and will support the implementation of the project in the state.

He said Kano state government is trying to reduce climate change challenges, by planting trees in the state, and also coming up with programs that will teach people on how to turn waste into money.

He added that climate change has a relationship with cutting trees that people are doing.

On his part the chairman of Taruni market, Alhaji Musubahu Muhammad said the traders are always sanitizing the market with their money instead of waiting for the government to come and do it for them, he thanked the NCCRP for choosing Tarauni market. 

He added that the knowledge acquired will really benefit them, and they will start packaging their waste properly in order to make money.

“Before the coming up of this project we never knew that our waste is money, see the waste everywhere in this market and now I have confidence that our people will start packing the waste, and sale it.”

Amina shehu, one of the people that attended the waste minimization campaign at Taruni market expressed happiness that now she has gotten another source of income, she will start packing her house waste properly in order to sale same and make money.

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