Northern Nigerian Breaking News

Nigeria’s housing minister speaks at 43rd annual meeting of Shelter Afrique Development Bank in Rwanda

The Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, on Tuesday, delivered the opening remarks at the 43rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Shelter Afrique Development Bank (ShafDB), held at the Marriott Hotel in Kigali, Rwanda. 

The event saw the gathering of esteemed guests, honored delegates, and colleagues from various member states.

In his address, Arc Dangiwa expressed his pleasure in welcoming participants to the AGM, highlighting the importance of their presence and commitment to the bank’s growth. 

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He emphasised ShafDB’s unique position as Africa’s sole housing finance institution and called for continued support to scale its impact and fulfill its mandate of providing affordable, decent, and quality housing across the continent. 

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Arc Dangiwa extended his gratitude to His Excellency, President Paul Kagame, and the Government of Rwanda for hosting the event, praising the beauty and hospitality of Kigali. 

He also acknowledged the support of the ShafDB Board of Directors, led by Dr. Chii Akporji, and the exceptional efforts of Managing Director Thierno Habib Hann.

Reflecting on the progress made during his tenure as Chairperson of the 42nd AGM Bureau, Arc Dangiwa noted significant milestones, including the overwhelming support for the new statutes of ShafDB during the Extraordinary General Assembly in Algiers.

He, however, stressed the need for expedited ratification of these statutes to address existing challenges.

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The Minister highlighted the bank’s financial success, reporting a profit for the first time in recent history, and called for sustained momentum under the leadership of the incoming Chair of the 43rd AGM Bureau, Hon. Dr. Jimmy Gasore. 

He outlined plans to launch a Financial Caucus of African Ministers of Housing and Urban Development, aimed at fostering synergy and innovative measures to bolster housing development.

Arc Dangiwa underscored the collective responsibility of African Ministers of Housing to address the continent’s housing challenges, advocating for collaboration and shared experiences. 

He introduced the upcoming Kigali Declaration, which aims to prioritize housing development and commit to concrete steps for substantial impact, emphasizing climate change as a critical consideration.

In closing, Arc Dangiwa called for compromise, adherence to statutes, and continued collaboration to achieve the bank’s objectives. 

He expressed confidence in the collective decision-making of member states and their commitment to the bank’s success.

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