Northern Nigerian Breaking News

Primary 1,2,3 takes lessons at a time in one class, 4,5,6 in another in Kano community school

Faradaci community in Sumaila local government area, Kano State, lacks every social amenity of civilization from good roads, to healthcare and schools among others that can enhance good living conditions.

The community in southern part of Kano State for close to eight years has been battling with only a dilapidated primary school with over 500 students.

It is located about 75 kilometres from Kano metropolis, with Faradaci’s primary school serving as the only educational institution in the town for decades.

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According to the residents, during the raining season, primarys 1, 2 and 3 are merged into a class for lessons while primary 4,5 and 6 occupy another single class to receive lessons due to lack of roofs covering the classes.

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The school’s infrastructure is in a dire state, with several classrooms without roofs, leading to frequent closures during rainy seasons.

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“The school has been without proper roof for the past seven to eight years,”  Suraj Muhammad Idris, a teacher at the school told SolaceBase.

“When it rains, we have no choice but to close the school or merge three to four classes into one place, which severely disrupts the learning process.”

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The residents told SolaceBase that they have been voicing their concerns about the deteriorating state of the town’s only primary school and despite repeated complaints and promises of intervention, the situation remains the same.

Another teacher in the school Sulaiman Muhammad said lack of adequate classrooms is one of the many problems facing the school.

“With over 500 students, the school is overcrowded, making it a difficult task to provide quality education.”

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“The shortage of learning materials further worsen the situation, leaving both students and teachers struggling to keep up with the curriculum.”

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‘’Adding to the school’s woes is the fact that the land on which it is built is not owned by the primary school, but by an Islamiyya school,’’ Muhammad noted.

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Armaya’u Musa, who has two children attending the school, expressed dismay at the lack of action from the government despite their persistent calls for renovation and support.

“We have been abandoned by the government,” he lamented to SolaceBase.

“Our children deserve better than this.”

The community leader of Faradaci, Malam Jazuli Kabiru Idris,  decried the situation of the only primary school in the community.

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Community Leader of Faradaci, Malam Jazuli Kabiru Idris

“The community has made numerous efforts to alert the authorities to no avail,” he said.

“We have informed them about the dire situation, but nothing has been done.”

”On most occasion, it is communal efforts we adopt in maintaining and repairing the school, but there is little that we can do because we are poor people.”

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In response to the complaints, Umar Haruna Doguwa, Kano State Education Commissioner acknowledged the problem to SolaceBase, putting the blame of the condition of the school on the previous administration.

“The issues faced by the school are part of the challenges we inherited,” he stated.

“However, we are committed to renovating schools facing such problems. We assure the parents and the pupils that the Kano State government will solve their problems soonest.”

An educationist and Public Commentator, Malam Aliyu Buhari described the state government’s attitude to education as a lack of vision and commitment.

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Buhari said if the present administration of Gov. Abba Kabir Yusuf has a blueprint for changing the fortune of the state positively, it should have mapped out schools like this on how to put them in proper shape.

‘’What the state presently needs is adequate attention on education, healthcare and provision of water supply, ‘’Buhari said.

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‘’It is sad that schools like this are in Kano, a cosmopolitan and commercial city.’’

‘’How can the government be according priority to fly overs costing over N26billion when there is no water in the town, the quality of education is down and the healthcare is nothing to write home about.’’

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